December 12, 2008

115. One

115. One

If it isn't one thing, it's another thing. This thing

is all good. If it's one word, it’s another... This

word is all good. If it's one life, then it's this life...

Life is all good, live it like it is one. This one thing

is all good!

December 5, 2008

116. Consecrated

116. Consecrated

I don't have to be consecrated to her or to Ms. F. to be me. The mirror image is the consecration revealed in the death and resurrection of Only to Grey. It has provided a forum for learning the range of division that lives in me. The I of me can stand although the foundation is a fictional prop, the emergent self is real. The spirit lives in the multiple expressions seen/viewed as many images. In the image the perceiver finds a part of themselves.
How this manifests itself in Ms. F. is the difficult aspect of resurrecting the idea of reconciliation. When she reads this she recollects everything she dislikes about herself. In her I am the epitome of disgust and my words only reveal what she has for so long attempted to cut away.

Creative Commons License
Ken Harry Yellow by B. Luis Grey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.